
Coordinated by S.D. Lodam

First Published 2005

Size:270mmx 205mm

Revised, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017

Page extent: 388 pages

ISBN:  978-978-1S3-449-2


This six-book series is totally a new concept in the teaching of Mathematics at the primary level. The six books in the series are based on the Federal Ministry of Education’s 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) on primary Mathematics. Based on the discovery method, the books have numerous exercises for pupils to practice. There is also provision of space for pupils to write in the books. Written by a strong team of experienced authors, the series is replete with relevant, clear and colourful illustrations to aid learning.

The series stand out for its thorough explanation of topics, review exercises, questions and answers sections in all the books to aid instant logical reasoning.


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